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Editing time series

These commands allow time series to be displayed and edited interactively. The time series is displayed on a suitable graphic device and sections can be selected for discarding, the remaining data points being saved to a new dataset. Where the data is fragmented the sections with data missing (indicated by QUALITY value) can be ommitted from the plotting and the remaining sections with data can be selected individually.


   TLOAD dataset XWINDOW           - load dataset and open XWINDOW
   TPLOT                           - display all data
   TCHOP                           - display only segments with data
   TSELECT                         - select segment for display
   TSLICE                          - remove part
   TSAVE new data                  - save edited data
Some plotting attributes are set internally by the applications (principally the positions of the different segments of the plot), but GSET may also be used in conjunction with these commands.


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