Next: 3 Compiling the files Up: Modifying ASTERIX Code Prev: 1 Finding the files

2 Modifying the files

For historical and archaic reasons the Fortran source files are still stored in VAX/VMS format. This means that "INCLUDE" lines must altered using the ASTERIX utility v2u_include (found in "$AST_BIN"), or see the scripts link in the next section if not available.

$cat gdraw.f
$v2u_include gdraw.f
% Opening substitution file include.sub
% 58 substitutions read
% "sae_par" replaced by "/star/include/sae_par"
% "gfx_cmn" replaced by "/lsoft1/asterix/newast/kernel/grf/inc/GFX_CMN"
$ cat gdraw.f
      INCLUDE '/star/include/sae_par'
      INCLUDE '/lsoft1/asterix/newast/kernel/grf/inc/GFX_CMN'

There are two types of substitution, the first for Starlink packages and the second for ASTERIX packages. The file "includes.sub" is created on-the-fly from the files found in "$AST_ETC/sys/".

Its also strongly recommended to change the version information, to easily distinguish between the various copies of a utility. Edit the file gdraw.f and alter the following line,

        PARAMETER (VERSION='GDRAW Version 2.2-0')
The file gdraw.ifl will not require modification, unless changes are made to the utility's parameters.

Next: 3 Compiling the files Up: Modifying ASTERIX Code Prev: 1 Finding the files