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Here is a sample from the library Makefile. A similar scheme is used to build the various applications as detailed below.

AST_OBJS = ast_close.o ast_cpkgi.o ast_err.o ast_exec.o ast_init_ad.o ast_init_ft.o \
           ast_init_st.o ast_qpkgi.o ast_rexit.o ast_spkgi.o ast_uexec.o ast_path.o

sun4_Solaris_FLAGS = -PIC -Nl45 -g
alpha_OSF1_FLAGS = -g
ix86_Linux_FLAGS = -m486 -fno-automatic -finit-local-zero -fno-second-underscore \
                   -fno-globals -Wno-globals -g

FFLAGS = -I/lsoft1/asterix/work/rb/adi/inc $($(SYSTEM)_FLAGS)
CFLAGS = -g -I/star/asterix/kernel/lib/inc/ -I/star/include/

BASE = /lsoft1/asterix/work/rb/adi

ast: $(AST_OBJS)
        ar -r libast.a $(AST_OBJS)
        mv libast.a $(BASE)/lib/$(SYSTEM)

The various statement groups perform the following functions,

Tue Jun 23 11:52:19 BST 1998