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The Energy Dimension

If the user supplies a spectral image to the psf system (this is only done in the cluster fitting at present) then when the data routine is called energy information must propogate from the client down to that point. This is achieved using either psf_def or psf_defb. In the first case the user supplies energy and time bands (the latter are not currently used anywhere) for psf evaluation. The alternative psf_defb supplies bin numbers in the energy and time dimensions for psf evaluation. The psf data routine for an energy dependent psf should check for the energy band psf instance values before computing the psf. See psf_xrt_pspc in psfrtn.f for an example. If the psf is energy dependent bu the user supplies only an image, then the initialisation routine should prompt for a mean photon energy.

Tue Oct 7 12:01:03 BST 1997