Next: ANALytic psfs Up: 5 User interface Prev: 2 Lists and ranges

3 PSF System

The psf system is used by ASTERIX commands which have to access PSF information in an instrument independent manner. Generally the user will have a dataset produced by an instrument interface, such as the EXOSAT or XRT interface, and this will direct the psf system to the appropriate information.

The psf system displays a menu of options available, controllable using the PSF prompt. For example,

  PSF system options :
    ANAL         ASCA          EXOLE         RESPFILE      PWFC
    TABULAR      WFC           XRT_HRI       XRT_PSPC
    POLAR(psf,rbin[,abin])       RECT(psf,xbin[,ybin])
  PSF - Choose PSF to use for source model /'ANAL'/ > xrt_pspc
The menu is in two parts - the first lists those psfs which can be invoked by name (ANAL to XRT_PSPC) - the second shows allowed psf model specifications. The latter are used with applications which psf require a spatially varying psf, or one with energy dependency.


Next: ANALytic psfs Up: 5 User interface Prev: 2 Lists and ranges