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ICL Startup

To customise your personal ICL startup create a file of ICL commands and assign the environment variable AST_USER_ICL to that file, eg.

  csh> setenv AST_USER_ICL $HOME/mystuff.icl
The most sensible place to add this definition is in your user shell startup file.

Useful things to put in your ICL start-up are definitions of shell commands that you tend to use inside ICL, ICL procedures or command shortforms. An example is shown below,

  {+ mystuff.icl - My personal ICL startup
  { Shortform for XRT source searching
  defstring xrtpss pss psf="polar(xrt_pspc,0.02)" mask=varp
  proc zoomsub outname
    file="                    "
    icurrent suppress x1=(x1) x2=(x2) y1=(y1) y2=(y2) name=(file)
    binsubset inp=(file) axes="1 2" axis1=((x1):(x2)) ~
               axis2=((y1):(y2)) out=(outname) \
This procedure allows the user to specify an area of the current image using the cursor which is then subsetted using the BINSUBSET application.

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