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Shell Startup

Shell startup scripts usually set the values of environment variables (eg. to alter printer spooling behaviour) or define aliases or new command shortforms. A csh script to set the default Postscript spooling and to define a new PSS shortform might look like this.

  #! csh script - this is source'd by the ASTERIX start up
  setenv AST_PS_SPOOL 'lpr -Ppsx -h'
  alias xrtpss 'pss psf="polar(xrt_pspc,0.02)" mask=varp'
This script can be defined using,

  csh> setenv AST_USER $HOME/mystuff.csh
Be sure to make this definition before your aststart command is invoked.

User shell scripts are also the most sensible place to put the definition of user ICL startup scripts.

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