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Phase resolved spectral fitting

How to perform spectral fitting on data from a given phase range of an orbital period.

  1. Use a sorting routine to create a 2-d, time x PH_channel binned dataset. e.g. XSORT.

  2. Exposure correct the file to convert it into counts/second e.g. for the XRT.

           ICL> XRTCORR
           XRTCORR version 1.4-6
           INP - Input dataset name /@MID_SPEC/ > TIMPH
           OUT - Output dataset name /@TIMPHC/ >
           RTNAME - Rootname for calibration files /'[HIS.2142]X2142'/ >
           Warning: insufficient event rate data to calculate dead time
                    correction for 19 timebins
           Correction for these bins has been set to 1.0
           Warning: bad eventrate data for 9 timebins
           Correction for these bins has been set to 1.0
           Mean dead time correction : 1.001657
           Mean vignetting correction : 58.66176
           Mean scattering correction : 1.007486
  3. Fold the data at the known orbital period.

           ICL> FOLDBIN
           FOLDBIN Version 1.2-2
           INP - Enter name of input file /@TIMPHC/ >
           Data is 2 dimensional
           OUT - Enter name of output file > TIMPHCFOLD
           TIME UNITS are seconds
           PERIOD - Enter period for folding > 4128.1
           EPOCH - Enter epoch of phase zero /6775.0817013889/ > 6774.002
           BINS - Enter number of phase bins /8/ > 5
           WEIGHT - Are weighted means required? /NO/ >
           ** VARB is zero - CHISQ may not be correct in output file **
  4. Having converted the time axis into 5 phase bins, we now want to extract the central 20 % of the orbit.

           ICL> BINSUBSET
           BINSUBSET Version 1.2-0
           INP - Input dataset /@TIMPHC/ > TIMPHCFOLD
           OUT - Output dataset > MIDSPEC
           The axes present are:
            1 Phase
            2 Corrected PHA channel
           AXES - Axis numbers to select on > 1
           The range for axis 1 is 0.1 to 0.9
           AXIS1 - Axis 1 ranges to subset /'0.1:0.9'/ > 0.4:0.6
  5. We now have a single spectrum to perform spectral fitting on. Create a detector response structure for this datafile. e.g. for the ROSAT-XRT use XRTRESP.

           ICL> XRTRESP
           XRTRESP Version 1.3-4
           INP - Name of source file /@MIDSPEC/ >
           RESPFILE - Name of instrument response matrix file /@X2142_DRPM/ >
  6. Set up a model for the spectral fit

           ICL> SMODEL
           SMODEL Version 1.0-1
           Input model file :- /scratch/asterix/mod.sdf
           A composite model can be synthesised using + - * ( ) and
           any of the following primitive models:
           AG     galactic interstellar absorption             multiplicative
           AB     intrinsic absorption                         multiplicative
           BR     thermal bremsstrahlung (cosmic)              additive
           PL     power law                                    additive
           BB     black body                                   additive
           WN     Wien                                         additive
           BH     hydrogen bremsstrahlung                      additive
           BP     pseudo-bremsstrahlung                        additive
           PC     cutoff power law                             additive
           CS     Chapline-Stevens Comptonised brems.          additive
           ST     Sunyaev-Titarchuk Comptonisation             additive
           RZ     Raymond-Smith plasma (metals combined)       additive
           LG     Gaussian line                                additive
           LL     Lorentzian line                              additive
          SPEC - Model specification > BR*AG
                               COMPONENT  1
         Name: thermal bremsstrahlung (cosmic)          Keyword: BR
          PARAMETER  1 - em10                       (1e60cm**-3/(10kpc)**2)
                         value,min,max =   1.0000       1.00000E-04    10.000
         VALS - New values /'unchanged'/ >
          PARAMETER  2 - temperature                (keV)
                         value,min,max =   5.0000       0.10000        20.000
         VALS - New values /'unchanged'/ >
                               COMPONENT  2
         Name: galactic interstellar absorption         Keyword: AG
          PARAMETER  1 - hydrogen column density    (1.0E21 /cm**2)
                         value,min,max =   1.0000       0.00000E+00    20.000
         VALS - New values /'unchanged'/ > 0.28
    g) Freeze the hydrogen column density and perform the fit.

           ICL> FREEZE 3
                * hydrogen column density frozen
           ICL> SFIT
           SFIT Version 1.4-1
  7. Having finished processing the data - review the history of the final file.

           ICL> hist midspec
           HIST Version 1.8-1
           History of  : /datan5/asterix/midspec.sdf
           Created     : 9-AUG-91 14:25:16
           Update mode : NORMAL
           Contains    : 5 records
           Record 1:
             Creator: XSORT Version 1.3-5
             Date:    9-AUG-91 14:25:17
           Record 2:
             Creator: XRTCORR version 1.4-6
             Date:    9-AUG-91 15:31:44
             Text:    Input dataset  1:
           Record 3:
             Creator: FOLDBIN Version 1.2-2
             Date:    9-AUG-91 15:36:49
             Text:    Input file :
                      Folded output file :
                      The data has been folded into a period of 4128.1 seconds
                      The epoch of phase zero was 6774.002
           Record 4:
             Creator: BINSUBSET Version 1.2-0
             Date:    9-AUG-91 15:39:14
             Text:    Input dataset  1:
           Record 5:
             Creator: XRTRESP Version 1.3-4
             Date:    9-AUG-91 15:42:23
             Text:    Set up detector response structure in datafile

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