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2 Isys Graphics User Interface

Isys is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the ASTERIX Image Processing System and is built using Tcl/Tk and Starlink extensions to this.

It is not just a wrap-up of the command-based applications and many of the underlying applications are aware of being run from the GUI and consequently exhibit enhanced behaviour.

Both HDS and FITS image files can be read and it also handles cubes. Several 1D products can be produced from the image and these are able to be saved and reread in subsequent sessions. Astrometry is handled where present.

As well as processing the image there is comprehensive formatting of the way the data are plotted. There are also interfaces to PSS, the ASTERIX point source searching application, and to remote catalogue access.

For more information see the main asthelp section, one level above, or point your favourite WWW browser at,

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