Next: Masks Up: ASMOOTH Prev: Data level options


 Keyword  Posn  Type        Description
 -------  ----  ----        -----------
 INP       1    UNIV        Input binned dataset to be smoothed.
                            May be primitive
   -GLOBAL.BINDS (Default binned dataset)
 OUT       2    UNIV        Output dataset
   ->GLOBAL.BINDS (Default binned dataset)
 SDIMS     -    INTEGER     Array of those dimensions to be smoothed.
                            Can contain only 1 or 2 axis numbers at
   Default = 1
 SNR       -    REAL        The target signal to noise. Controls how
                            much smoothing is done at each data level
   Default = 3
 FILTER    -    INTEGER     The mask form. 1=gaussian, 2=tophat
   Default = 1
 OPT       -    INTEGER     Option for setting data levels at which
                            input is smoothed. If 1, values are
                            linearly spaced between min and max in data,
                            logarithmically if OPT=2, or at arbitrary
                            user supplied levels if OPT=3.
   Default = 2
 NLEV      -    INTEGER     Number of levels for OPT=1,2.
   Default = 5
 BIAS      -    REAL        See sub-topic "Biasing"
   Default = |dmin| + 1% * dmax/math
 LEVS           REAL        Array of data levels at which smoothing is
                            performed. Only used if OPT=3.
 WSTART    -    INTEGER     Initial guess for mask width.
   Hidden default = 3
 WMAXSZ    -    INTEGER     Maximum half width of mask in pixels. The
   Hidden default = 30      mask size for a given SNR is limited by
                            this quantity - it can be made as large
                            as you like.

Next: Masks Up: ASMOOTH Prev: Data level options