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The purpose of BINGRP is to maintain a dataset grouping array. This optional array defines for every pixel in a binned dataset a group membership number. Grouping can be used to group together pixels to improve statistics in fitting programs.

Three options are currently supported by BINGRP,

Delete any existing grouping array
Invoke BINGRP to group spatially using radial/azimuthal binning
Use a spatial description file to define spatial grouping

Both the modes currently implemented perform spatial grouping. The X,Y plane of a dataset is divided into a number of zones according to user input. Each spatial pixel is assigned a zone number. In the 2-D case the output group number is equal to the zone number, but in datasets of higher dimensionality different X,Y planes have the constant NZONE*(I_PLANE-1) added. The result is that pixels are grouped spatially but retain independence in higher dimensions.

Note that when there are more than 2 dimensions the X and Y axes must be the first two axes - use AXORDER to reorder if this not the case.


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