Next: BINMERGE Up: BINGRP Prev: Other Grouping Programs


 Keyword  Posn  Type       Description
 -------  ----  ----       -----------
 INP       1    UNIV       Name of input datafile.
          GLOBAL.BINDS (Default binned dataset).
 XCENT     -    REAL       Central X position of slice.
 YCENT     -    REAL       Central Y position of slice.
 POLAR     -    LOGICAL    Group using radial/azimuthal binning?
   Hidden default = N
 ARD       -    LOGICAL    Group using an ARD file?
   Hidden default = N
 ARDFILE   -    CHAR       Name of ARD file (ARD mode only)
   GLOBAL.ARDFILE       (Default ARD file)
 UPDATE    -    LOGICAL    Modify existing grouping (ARD mode only)
   Default = N
 IGRP      -    INTEGER    New group number
 REG       -    LOGICAL    In POLAR mode, use regular radial bins?
   Default = Y
 RBIN      -    REAL       Size of the radial bins in axis units.
 RBNDS     -    CHAR       Boundaries in radius of the radial bins. Omit
                           the zero lower bound.
 ABIN      -    REAL       Size of the azimuthal bins in degrees.
     Default = 360.0
 AZSTART        REAL       Initial azimuth (degrees). Right is zero,
                           top is +90, left is 180 and South is -90.
     Hidden default = 0.0

Next: BINMERGE Up: BINGRP Prev: Other Grouping Programs