Next: Normalisation Up: RATIO Prev: Input Output


Consider Fig (1) below. This is the setup if a 2D array was being ratioed along its first dimension. N6 and N7 indicate the sizes of the array in the 7D system.

    Fig 1:      
                +-----------------------------------+  ^
        Row1->  |   |abcdef|            |ghij|      |  |
                |   |      |            |    |      |  N7
                |   |      |            |    |      |  |
                +-----------------------------------+  v
                   /      /            /    /
                 LOW1   HIGH1        LOW2  HIGH2
The data values in the two ranges are summed, row by row, eg. in ROW1 the data are summed X = ( a+...+f ) and Y = ( g+...+j ) to produce arrays of dimensionality one less than the input (Fig 2).
    Fig 2:          +-+                 +-+         +-+
                    |X|                 |Y|   Y/X   |Z|
                    | |                 | |    =>   | |
                    | |                 | |         | |
                    +-+                 +-+         +-+
Then these arrays are divided to produce the final output. The output array is also multiplied by RANGE1 / RANGE2 (the widths of the ranges selected in the units of the axis) - there might be too much noise in one range so you can increase the width of the range to average out the variations. This ensures that the value of the ratioing process does not depend on small changes in the width of the range.

Next: Normalisation Up: RATIO Prev: Input Output