Next: Examples Up: RATIO Prev: Normalisation


 Keyword    Posn  Type       Description
 -------    ----  ----       -----------
 INP         1    CHARACTER  Input dataset. ASTERIX
                             binned dataset or primitive.
    - GLOBAL.BINDS (the current binned dataset)
 AXIS        2    INTEGER    The axis to ratio.
 BANDS       3    CHARACTER  Bounds of two bands on axis selected.
                             These bounds are input according to
                             the convention on range specifications
                             defined under 5_User_Interface 2_Lists
 OUT         4    CHARACTER  Output binned dataset name.
    -> GLOBAL.BINDS (the current binned dataset)
 NORMAL      -    LOGICAL    Normalise output data?
    Default = NO
 WEIGHT      -    LOGICAL    Controls whether RATIO uses variance if
                             present to create weighted or mean average
                             over each band.
    Hidden Default = NO

Next: Examples Up: RATIO Prev: Normalisation