Next: Examples Up: SMOOTH Prev: Quality


 Keyword    Posn  Type       Description
 -------    ----  ----       -----------
 INFILE       1   CHARACTER  Input dataset
 OUTFILE      2   CHARACTER  Output dataset
 MSK_IDIM     3   INTEGER    Dimension to smooth first
 MSK_IDIM1    4   INTEGER    Optional dimension to smooth next
                             '0' for none)
 MSK_DO       5   CHARACTER  'Y' to reinstate gaps in data  or
                             'N' to leave as interpolated values.
 MSK_MASK     6   CHARACTER  Type of mask (TOP hat, LAPlacian,
                             COSine bell, GAUssian or user file
                             if none of these). Enter first three
                             letters of predefined masks.
 MSK_WIDTH    7   INTEGER    Width of top hat and cosine masks,
                             standard deviation of the Gaussian mask.
                             (Specified in bins, must be = 256).
 MSK_NEWUNITS 8   CHARACTER  Units of user file (eg GRADIENT for
                             gradient mask)
 MSK_LGAU         INTEGER    Total length of Gaussian mask.
 ENDS             CHARACTER  How to process the ends of the dataset?
                             (see ENDS_OF_DATASET entry)
 OVER             LOGICAL    Should the input file be overwritten ?

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