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Quality Lists

Some instrument interfaces produce a QUALITY list in their event datasets, containing information on the validity of the events.

Quality lists will be ignored by EVBIN unless specifically selected in response to the LISTS prompt.

They are an exception to the general rule and will NOT become a dimension of the output dataset. The output dataset may, however, contain a QUALITY component.

There are two parameters associated with the handling of QUALITY lists:

Events with a QUALITY value greater than QVAL are treated as bad quality events. The hidden default value is 0.
If YES then any bad quality events are written to the output dataset. In addition, a QUALITY component is created in the output dataset, and the quality of bins containing one or more bad quality events is set to bad (i.e. 1). If NO, then the bad quality events are simply thrown away. No QUALITY component is created in the output dataset. The hidden default value is NO.

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