Next: EVSORT Up: EVSIM Prev: Parameters


The example below was produced using a gaussian point response, for two sources of strengths 20 and 40 counts, centred at (-10,-10) and (15,20) respectively.

    EVSIM Version 1.2-0
    OUT - Name of output event dataset > EV
    FIELDSIZE - Width of field in arcminutes /60/ >
    PIXSIZE - Pixel size in arcminutes /0.5/ >
    BACK - Number of background counts > 100
    SOURCEC - Number of counts per source > 20 40
    SOURCEP - Source positions /0,0/ > -10,-10,15,20
    There will be 94 background counts
    Source no. 1 has 19 counts
    Source no. 2 has 36 counts
    The PSF system can provide :
      ANAL              EXOLE             PWFC              WFC
    PSF - Choose PSF for simulated sources /'ANALYTIC'/ >
    No axis data present - using pixels
    PSF definitions available
    GAUSSIAN  - Gaussian response   TRIANGLE     - Triangular response
    TOPHAT    - Tophat function     FLAT_TRI     - Triangle with flat top
    MASK - Name of profile to use (select from above) /'GAUSSIAN'/ >
    Dataset pixels are 0.5 arcmin square
    AUX - Gaussian FWHM in dataset pixels > 5
The event dataset is now binned up using EVBIN

    EVBIN Version 1.2-0
    INP - Enter name of input dataset /@EV/ >
    The available lists are:
     1  X_CORR
     2  Y_CORR
    Select the lists to be binned, by entering the index numbers.
    E.g. 1 2 3
    LISTS - Index numbers > 1 2
     X_CORR axis:
    The X_CORR data range is -30.25 to 30.25
    The intrinsic width is 0.5.
    BINSIZE1 - Enter binsize /0.5/ >
    This will give 121 X_CORR bins
     Y_CORR axis:
    The Y_CORR data range is -30.25 to 30.25
    The intrinsic width is 0.5.
    BINSIZE2 - Enter binsize /0.5/ >
    This will give 121 Y_CORR bins
    OUT - Enter name of the output dataset > IM
    A total of 149 events were binned

Next: EVSORT Up: EVSIM Prev: Parameters