Next: EVSUBSET Up: EVSORT Prev: Input output data


 Keyword  Posn     Type     Description
 -------  ----     ----     -----------
 INP        1      UNIV     Dataset from which selection will be
            -GLOBAL.EVDS (Current event dataset)
 OUT        2      UNIV     Dataset into which selected items
                            will be put.
            ->GLOBAL.EVDS  (Current event dataset)
 SLIST      3      CHAR     Name of list to be used in sort.
                            RAW_TIMETAG is the default supplied
                            if present.
 ASCEND     -      LOGICAL  Sort into ascending numerical order?
                            Specify false to sort into descending
   Default = YES

Next: EVSUBSET Up: EVSORT Prev: Input output data