Next: 3 The structure of FITS files within Asterix Up: FITS Format Compatibility Prev: 1 Specifying HDS and FITS file names

2 The extent of FITS compatibility

As the HDS file format is more rich than that of FITS, not all Asterix utilities have currently been extended to work with fits files.

The FITS compatability has primarily been implemented for use with the Isys interface, thus all I/O opperations within that packages can cope with either HDS or FITS file formats (with the exception that Isys will not yet read a FITS data cube). Also, the I/O can be mixed between these formats; thus a radial profile taken from an HDS can be saved in either HDS or FITS format depending upon either the output file name or any "%..." qualifier.

The XRT interface commands have also been converted to FITS RDF.

None of the HDS general commands (eg. HREAD, HDIR, &c.), with the exception of HISTORY, will yet function with FITS files.

The complex point-spread function and spectral fitting formats have not yet been converted to FITS equivalents. Though commands like PSS will work correctly given a simple FITS image.

Next: 3 The structure of FITS files within Asterix Up: FITS Format Compatibility Prev: 1 Specifying HDS and FITS file names