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The normal version of QDP uses the so called native mode PGPLOT. This is faster than the normal Starlink version but there are annoying differences in device names for users of the regular version. On UNIX, the list of devices is as follows.
     /GF       GraphOn Tek terminal emulator
     /NULL     Null device, no output
     /PS       PostScript file, landscape orientation
     /RETRO    Retrographics VT640 Tek emulator
     /TEK4010  Tektronix 4010 terminal
     /VPS      PostScript file, portrait orientation
     /VT125    DEC VT125 and other REGIS terminals
     /XDISP    pgdisp or figdisp server
     /XTERM    XTERM Tek terminal emulator
     /XWINDOW  Window on Xwindow server

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