Next: Examples Up: GMULTI Prev: COMbine


  Keyword   Position  Type      Description
  -------   --------  ----      -----------
   SWITCH      1      CHAR      NEW, APP, SHO etc
   INP1        2      CHAR      Input dataset for NEW or APP modes
   INP2        3      CHAR        "      "     "   "  "   "    "
    .          .       .
   INP24       25     CHAR        "      "     "   "  "   "    "
   OUT         -      CHAR      Output dataset for NEW mode
   INOUT       -      CHAR      Existing dataset to be modified
   NDF         -      INT       NDF number to DELete
   CANCEL      -      LOGICAL   Cancel LAYout or COMbine mode
      (Hidden default = N)
   NX          -      INT       Plots horizontally for LAYout mode
   NY          -      INT       Plots vertically for LAYout mode
   PLOT        -      INT       Plot number for COMbine mode
   BASE        -      INT       Base NDF for plot
   OVLY        -      CHAR      List of NDFs to overlay on BASE

Next: Examples Up: GMULTI Prev: COMbine