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Axis options

The following codes can be combined for fine control of the way axes are plotted. They are given in response to the OPT parameter. A : draw x=0 or y=0 line B : draw axis at bottom (x) or left (y) edge C : draw axis at top (x) or right (y) edge G : draw grid of vertical (x) or horizontal (y) lines I : invert tick marks to go outside axes N : put numbers along bottom (x) or left (y) side M : put numbers along top (x) or right (y) side P : project major tick marks outside axes T : draw major tick marks at major coordinate intervals S : draw minor ticks marks V : write numbers perpendicular to axis (y only) The default value used by commands that produce graphical output is 'BCNST'. A code 'BC' will just cause a plain box to be drawn and a blank code will suppress the axes.

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