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The following shortform commands have been brought forward from the old graphics system for people who complain about having to type a couple of extra characters when using GSET:
 XLABel     - set x-axis label
 YLABel     - set y-axis label
 XAXis      - set x-axis attributes
 YAXis      - set y-axis attributes
 XLOG       - make x-axis logarithmic
 YLOG       - make y-axis logarithmic
 XYLOG      - make both axes logarithmic
 AMULTI     - add to multiple dataset
 DMULTI     - delete from multiple dataset
 COLBAR     - put colour bar at side of plot
 ALEGend    - add title/legend line
 DLEGend    - delete title/legend line
 GREYSCale  - select greyscale

Next: Spatial file commands Up: Graphics display commands Prev: Parameters