Next: Examples Up: IPOSIT Prev: IPOSIT


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
  ENTER      -      LOGICAL    Switch to entry mode
      Hidden default = N
  LIST       -      CHAR       List of positions
  APPEND     -      LOGICAL    Append to existing list
  SHOW       -      LOGICAL    Show current list
      Hidden default = N
  SEL        -      LOGICAL    Select position from list
      Hidden default = N
  NUM        -      INTEGER    Position number to select
  FRAME      1      INTEGER    Coordinate frame
                                1 = RA/DEC
       Default = 1              2 = Ecliptic
                                3 = Galactic
                                4 = axis coordinates
                                5 = pixel coordinates
  RA         2      CHAR       RA
  DEC        3      CHAR       DEC
  ELON       -      DOUBLE     Ecliptic longitude (dec. deg.).
  ELAT       -      DOUBLE     Ecliptic latitude    "    "
  L          -      DOUBLE     Galactic longitude   "    "
  B          -      DOUBLE     Galactic latitude    "    "
  X          -      REAL       X-coord (axis units).
  Y          -      REAL       Y-coord   "     "
  XPIX       -      REAL       X-pixel   "     "
  YPIX       -      REAL       Y-pixel   "     "

Next: Examples Up: IPOSIT Prev: IPOSIT