Next: Examples Up: IREGION Prev: IREGION


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
   MODE      1      CHAR       Mode control switch
   SUBMODE   2      CHAR       Sub-mode control
   XC        -      REAL       Centre of shape
   YC        -      REAL          "    "   "
   RAD       -      REAL       Radius of circle
   IRAD      -      REAL       Inner radius of annulus
   ORAD      -      REAL       Outer radius of annulus
   XWID      -      REAL       Horiz. width of box
   YWID      -      REAL       Vert. width of box
   LENGTH    -      REAL       Length of slice
   WIDTH     -      REAL       Width of slice
   ANGLE     -      REAL       Angle of slice or ellipse
   MAJOR     -      REAL       Major axis of ellipse
   MINOR     -      REAL       Minor axis of ellipse
   LEV       -      REAL       Contour level
   TEXT      -      CHAR       ARD text or filename
   FILE      -      CHAR       Filename for ARD text output
   AUTO      -      LOGICAL    Generate area automatically from
                               attitude file in XSPOKES mode
   ROOTNAME  -      CHAR       calib file root for above
   ATTFILE   -      CHAR       attitude file for above
   EXTRA     -      LOGICAL    allow extra width in XSPOKES mode

Next: Examples Up: IREGION Prev: IREGION