
 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
 EVEF        -      CHAR       The name of the input event file (default
                               extension of .EVE).
 SHOW        -      LOGICAL    Requests that a sub-set of the
                               information from the header records of
                               the event file is displayed.
 OUTPUT      -      CHAR       The name of the output dataset.
 DTYPE       -      CHAR       The type of dataset to be produced by the
                               sort. Valid types are
                               (I)mage   ASTERIX image dataset
                               (R)aw     detector coord image
                               (L)in     linearised detector coord image
                               (T)ime    time series dataset
                               (E)vent   event dataset.
 RA          -      REAL       The Right Ascension of the sort field
                               centre (deg). By default this is set to
                               the axis RA value  given in the header.
 DEC         -      REAL       The Declination of the sort field centre
 DAZ         -      REAL       The half extent of the field to be sorted
                               (deg), the default value is 3 degrees.
 INR         -      REAL       In time series mode INR specifies the
                               inner radius of an annulus from which to
                               select events. The radius should be
                               specified in arcminutes and may be set to
                               zero in order to select from a circular
 OUTR        -      REAL       In time series mode OUTR specifies the
                               outer radius of an annulus from which to
                               select events.
 NXPIX       -      INT        The number of pixels along a side of the
                               image. For the default field half extent
                               of 3 degrees NXPIX = 256 would give a
                               pixel width of approx 1.4 arcminutes.
 SLOTS       -      CHAR       A text string which specifies which slots
                               to include in the sort. (These are the
                               slots which are displayed when SHOW = Y
                               is selected). Specify the slots in the
                               format i-j,k,l-m. The slots selected
                               should all have the same filter at the
                               focus. If a slot value of '0' is selected
                               the user is prompted for the filter type
 START_T     -      REAL*8     The start time of a selection window
                               which will be combined with the slot and
                               discrimination windows. The unit may be
                               either seconds from the BASE_MJD given in
                               the EVE file header or an absolute MJD
                               (in the latter case the MJD value should
                               be preceded by an 'M').
 END_T       -      REAL*8     The end time of a selection window (see
 USEF        -      LOGICAL    Requests that events will be selected
                               from time windows specified in a simple
                               text file.
 SFILE       -      CHAR       The name of a text file from which the
                               time windows will be read. Each record in
                               the file should contain a pair of start
                               and stop MJDs separated by a space and
                               with each MJD preceded by the letter 'M'.
 NBINS       -      INT        The number of time bins. If a value '0'
                               is given the program prompts for the bin
                               duration instead.
 TBIN        -      REAL       If NBIN is specified as 0 then TBIN
                               specifies the bin duration (secs)
 FILTER      -      CHAR       The WFC filter to use.
 REJECT      -      CHAR       Requests rejection of events by one of
                               the  'LEVS', or 'VIEW' options. If VIEW
                               event rate thresholding is selected all
                               events from periods when the
                               velocity-view (or ram) angle .OR. the
                               solar zenith angle was below certain
                               limits will be rejected. The optimum
                               values for these angles are set by the
                               program. Alternatively the parameter may
                               be set to 'NONE'.
 LEVS        -      REAL       If LEVS event rate thresholding is
                               selected all events from periods when the
                               LEVS rate exceeds this threshold will be
                               rejected (suggested start value is 50 c/s)
 ROOT        -      CHAR       The File root which defines the location
                               of the .HKR file used for LEVS