Next: WFC Efficiency Up: WFCSPEC Prev: WFCSPEC


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
 INP         1      CHAR       Name of input dataset
      -GLOBAL.BINDS ( Default binned dataset )
 AUX         -      CHAR       Name of file searched to create INP.
                               Only used if INP is a source search
                               results file, and the image searched
                               cannot be extracted.
 OUT         2      CHAR       Name of output spectrum
      ->GLOBAL.BINDS ( Default binned dataset )
 SRC                INTEGER    Number of source in SSDS
 OVERRIDE    -      LOGICAL    Override observation date.
   Hidden default = NO         Enables study of time evolution
                               of WFC efficiency.
 OBSMJD      -      DOUBLE     MJD of observation. Default
                               offered is that from the
                               dataset header

Next: WFC Efficiency Up: WFCSPEC Prev: WFCSPEC