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Since ASTERIX 2.3-0 works directly on FITS RDF files the XRTCONV command has become obselete and been withdraw. The following information pertains only to earlier versions which were not FITS compatible. XRTCONV is a FORTRAN wrapup of FITS2HDS, XRTINDEX and XRTHOT. It knows which files to look for, for any given dataset type (MPE, US and RDF)and converts them into HDS. XRTINDEX is run on the events data to extract useful information into a HDS header file. If hotspot/deadspot information is available (currently only MPE HRI data) XRTHOT is run and the data added to the HDS header file.

XRTCONV will automatically detect the origins of a dataset. It does this using the following rules:

otherwise the first file ending in ".fits" is opened The automatic detection can be overridden by specifying one of the following:

  csh> XRTCONV origin= 


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