Next: RTNAME Up: XRTCORR Prev: Point spread


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
  INP        1      UNIV       Name of input file
  OUT        2      UNIV       Name of output file
  RTNAME     3      CHARACTER  Rootname of calibration files
  EFFILE            CHARACTER  Name of the effective area file
  RESPFILE          CHARACTER  Name of the detector response file
  ENERGY            REAL       Mean photon energy (default 0.2 keV)
  OVER              LOGICAL    Overwrite the input file (default=NO)
  AXTYPE            INTEGER    Axis type if label is unrecognised
  DCORR             LOGICAL    Perform the dead time correction ?
    Default = YES
                               Put "DCORR=NO" on the command line
                               to NOT do dead time corrections.
  WCORR             LOGICAL    Perform correction for the wires?
    Default = YES
  VCORR             LOGICAL    Perform the vignetting correction ?
    Default = YES
  PCORR             LOGICAL    Perform the point spread correction ?
    Default = YES
  OFFAX1            REAL       Off-axis angle for vignetting corrections
                               of the first radial bin or whole box
                               (Units = arcminutes)
  OFFAX2            REAL       Off-axis angle for vignetting corrections
                               of the second radial bin.
                               (Units = arcminutes)
  OFFAX10           REAL       Off-axis angle for vignetting corrections
                               of the tenth and subsequent radial bins.


Next: RTNAME Up: XRTCORR Prev: Point spread