Next: XRTHK Up: XRTEXPMAP Prev: References


  Keyword  Posn     Type     Description
  -------  ----     ----     -----------
  RAWDIR     1      CHAR     Raw data directory. Default is the
                             current directory.
                              The directory must contain no more than
                              500 files.
  ROOTNAME   2      CHAR     Rootname of the raw data files. (The
                                              one used in XRTCONV)
  OUT        3      UNIV     Output exposure map.
  IFILE      -      INTEGER  Detector map to use. Choose from
  TIMRANGE   -      CHAR     Filename containing list of good time
    Default = !              slots. Create this file using XRTHK.
                             Default assumes all times are ok.
  DETMAP     -      CHAR     Name of detector map. Creates an HDS
                             copy of the detector map selected
    Default = !

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