Next: Parameters Up: XRTHK Prev: Input and output


The Aspect/Attitude and Eventrate files contain a set of housekeeping parameters as a function of spacecraft clock time. The names of the parameters are detailed in the EXSAS users guide, if you can get hold of a copy. Some of the more important ones are:
  EE_MV* - the Master veto rate
  EE_AXE* - the accepted event rate
  ASP_ERR* - the aspect error
*These names are for MPE PSPC data files. Each of these are stored as HDS arrays in the above files. Limits may be set on up to ten of these parameters. The program merges the time ranges excluded by each of these limits and inverts to produce a file of "GOOD" time windows over which the data can be sorted. The file produced, contains a list of MJDs and should be entered as the response to the prompt for TIMRANGE in XSORT.

Next: Parameters Up: XRTHK Prev: Input and output