Next: GRP RA Up: XSORT Prev: Time ranges


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
 RAWDIR       1      CHAR       Raw data directory. Default is the
                                current directory.
                                The directory must contain no more than
                                500 files.
 ROOTNAME     2      CHAR       Rootname of the raw data files. (The
                                                  one used in PREPXRT)
 DATASET      3      CHAR       Type of output files required
                                      Event(E) Binned(B) or both(E,B)
 SRCFILE      4      UNIV       Name of output source file
 BCKFILE      5      UNIV       Name of output background file
 QCHANGE             LOGICAL    Change the default quality limits
    Default = NO
 PROPERTY            CHAR       Quality limits to change
 TEMPMIN             INTEGER    Minimum temperature quality accepted
 TEMPMAX             INTEGER    Maximum temperature quality accepted
 GAINMIN             INTEGER    Minimum gain quality accepted
 GAINMAX             INTEGER    Maximum gain quality accepted
 RANGES              CHAR       Codes of the ranges to change.
                                       corrected PH=7).
 XSTART              REAL       Minimum X pixel in source box
 XEND                REAL       Maximum X pixel in source box
 YSTART              REAL       Minimum Y pixel in source box
 YEND                REAL       Maximum Y pixel
 XDSTART             REAL       Minimum X detector pixel in source box
 XDEND               REAL       Maximum X det. pixel in source box
 YDSTART             REAL       Minimum Y det. pixel in source box
 YDEND               REAL       Maximum Y det. pixel
 TIMRANGE            CHAR       Time ranges to use - may be a text file
                                (see TIME_RANGES)
 MINPH              INTEGER     Minimum value of uncorrected PH channel
 MAXPH              INTEGER     Maximum value of uncorrected PH channel
 MINEN              INTEGER     Minimum value of corrected PH channel
 MAXEN              INTEGER     Maximum value of corrected PH channel
 BIN_AXES            CHAR       Axes required in data array (X=1,Y=2,
                                XDET=3,YDET=4,T=5,PH=6,CORR PH=7)
 SHAPE               CHAR       Shape of source area
                                   Annular(A) or Elliptical(E)
 GRP_RA              REAL       RA of the centre of the source box
 GRP_DEC             REAL       DEC of the centre of the source box
 GRP_SWIDTH          REAL       Width of source box (degrees)
 GRP_SHEIGHT         REAL       Height of source box (degrees)
 RADIUS              REAL       Radius of source box in degrees
 RADINN              REAL       Inner radius of source box in degrees
 RADOUT              REAL       Outer radius of source box in degrees
 ORIENT              REAL       Orientation of the ellipse
 EXINN               REAL       Inner X axis of the ellipse
 EXOUT               REAL       Outer X axis of ellipse
 EYOUT               REAL       Outer Y axis of ellipse
 NXBIN              INTEGER     Number of pixels in output X axis
 NYBIN              INTEGER     Number of pixels in output Y axis
 NXDBIN             INTEGER     Number of bins in output det. X axis
 NYDBIN             INTEGER     Number of bins in output det. Y axis
 TIMBIN              REAL       Width of bins in the time axis (seconds)
 PHBIN              INTEGER     Bin width of pulse height axis (channels)
 ENBIN              INTEGER     Bin width of corr. PH axis (channels)
 NRBIN              INTEGER     Number of radial bins
 BACK               LOGICAL     Is a background file wanted (Y/N)
 GRP_RAB             REAL       RA of the centre of the bckgnd box
 GRP_DECB            REAL       DEC of the centre of the bckgnd box
 GRP_BWIDTH          REAL       Width of bckgnd box (degrees)
 GRP_BHEIGHT         REAL       Height of bckgnd box (degrees)
 BRADINN             REAL       Inner radius of bckgnd box in degrees
 BRADOUT             REAL       Outer radius of bckgnd box in degrees
 BORIENT             REAL       Orientation of the bckgnd ellipse
 BEXINN              REAL       Inner X axis of the bckgnd ellipse
 BEXOUT              REAL       Outer X axis of bckgnd  ellipse
 BEYOUT              REAL       Outer Y axis of bckgnd ellipse


Next: GRP RA Up: XSORT Prev: Time ranges