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Time ranges

Up to 250 time ranges may be used to sort the data. Times may be input as either offset times or modified Julian date. MJDs must be prefixed with an 'M'; times may be separated by either a space or a colon. The following are acceptable:

    TIMRANGE> 102.3 405.6 1230.0 1500.0
    TIMRANGE> 102.3:405.6 1230.0:1500.0
    TIMRANGE> M48401.3356789 M48401.3367890 M48401.4 M48402.0
    TIMRANGE> M48401.3356789:M48401.3367890 M48401.4:M48402.0
Up to 132 characters may be used on the prompt line to specify time ranges. Alternatively the name of a file may be given e.g.

The file TIMES.DAT must then contain a list of start and stop times. The recommended format is:

    M48401.335678   M48401.336890
    M48401.535678   M48401.636890
    M48401.735678   M48401.936890
The same file may be used to select time ranges in the WFC sorting program, WFCSORT, so that extracting simultaneous data from the two instruments becomes trivial. In this case the above format for the time windows, i.e. MJDs separated by a space, MUST be used.

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