Next: EXTRA WIDTH Up: XSPOKES Prev: Widening the pattern


 Keyword  Position  Type       Description
 -------  --------  ----       -----------
 ROOTNAME            CHAR       Rootname of datafiles
 ARDFILE             CHAR       Name of output text file
 NEW                 LOGICAL    Create a new file (Y) or add to
                                an existing ARD file (N)
 OUTSIDE             LOGICAL    Include region outside f.o.v. ?
 MODE                CHAR       'C'alculate or 'I'nteractive mode
 ATTFIL              CHAR       Name of attitude file.
 TRAD                REAL       Radius of field of view in degrees
    Hidden default = 0.95
 DOPLOT              LOGICAL    Plot the spoke structure on a
                                displayed image ? (MODE=C only)
    Hidden default = YES
 EXTRA_WIDTH         REAL       Width to extend the ring and spoke
                                widths by (degrees)
    Hidden default = 0.0
 TIMRANGE            CHAR       Filename containing list of good time
                                slots. Create this file using XRTHK.
                                (see TIME_RANGES)


Next: EXTRA WIDTH Up: XSPOKES Prev: Widening the pattern