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To construct a response for a ROSAT PSPC spectral image. Note that the order of the axes is not important to SPRESP.

     ICL> SPRESP myobs_cube
     SPRESP Version 1.7-3
     ; Note SPRESP removes any old response before creating a new one
     Removing existing spatial response...
     ; You now select the psf to be evaluated
     PSF system options :
       ANAL        ASCA        EXOLE       PWFC        RADIAL
       RESPFILE    TABULAR     WFC         XRT_HRI     XRT_PSPC
       POLAR(psf,rbin[,abin])        RECT(psf,xbin[,ybin])
     PSF - Choose PSF to use for source model /'ANAL'/ > xrt_pspc
     MASK - PSPC psf option (LIST for descriptions) /'VARPROFILE'/ >
     Loaded XRT psf cube with 10 energy channels
     ; SPRESP can construct a response which varies only as a function
     ; of radius from (0,0) in the detector, or one which varies in
     ; as function of X and Y. An appropriate default should be offered
     RADIAL - Assume radial symmetry /YES/ >
     ; The SRES parameter controls the granularity of access to the
     ; the psf and is specified in the spatial axis units of the
     ; dataset to which the response is being attached.
     SRES - Radial sampling of psf in degrees >
     ; SPRESP can construct either pixel centred or vertex centred
     ; responses. No standard ASTERIX software uses the latter yet
     ; so the default is YES.
     PIXCENT - Response centre on pixel centre /YES/ >
     ; The psf stored in the dataset will be truncated at the minimum
     ; of two radii. The first is defined in terms of a cutoff relative
     ; amplitude. The second is an actual radius in pixels of the same
     ; size as the spatial axes of the dataset.
     CUTOFF - Cutoff amplitude relative to centre of psf /1.E-03/ >
     RLIMIT - Maximum radius of the psf in pixels /50/ > 15
     ; SPRESP now informs the user of the number of spatial bins into
     ; which the detector plane is divided, and evaluates the psf for
     ; each energy bin.
     There will be 7 radial bins
     Doing energy band 60.5
     Doing energy band 80.5
     Doing energy band 100.5
     Doing energy band 120.5
     Doing energy band 160.5
     Doing energy band 180.5
     Doing energy band 200.5
     Doing energy band 220.5

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