Next: Perturb Mode Up: SPRESP Prev: SPRESP


 Keyword  Posn  Type        Description
 -------  ----  ----        -----------
 INP        1   UNIV        Dataset to which response will be
                            attached. Can be a NDF or an event
     GLOBAL.BINDS (default binned dataset)
 PSF, MASK, AUX CHAR        Control the source model psf used.
 RADIAL     -   LOGICAL     Assume psf is radially symmetric
    Default = Y             about the on-axis detector position?
 PSFCON     -   LOGICAL     Assume psf constant over the field?
    Default = N
 PIXCENT    -   LOGICAL     Produce a pixel centred response. The
    Default = Y             alternative is a vertex centred response,
                            but all ASTERIX s/w currently uses
                            pixel centring.
 SRES       -   REAL        Spatial resolution in axis units
 CUTOFF     -   REAL        Cut off in fractional amplitude. SPRESP
    Default = 0.001         will truncate the response written to
                            your dataset at the radius where the
                            psf amplitude drops to CUTOFF times its
                            central value.
 RLIMIT     -   INTEGER     Maximum extent of psf, regardless of the
                            CUTOFF value.
    Default = 50
 PERTURB    -   LOGICAL     Perturb the psf? See help topic for info
    Hidden default = NO
 POPT       -   INTEGER     Perturbation option
    Default = 1
 PFILE      -   CHAR        Perturbation data file

Next: Perturb Mode Up: SPRESP Prev: SPRESP