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Data Items

The following data items are recognised by SSGET,
   Item            Description
   NSRC            Number of sources stored in the SSDS
   NFILE           Number of files of results merged in SSDS. Has
                   value of 1 unless SSDS was created by SSMERGE.
   *        The value of a field for a particular source
   _ERROR*  The value of the error on a field
   _LABEL   The field label
   _UNITS   The field units
Those items marked with a * require the value of the ISRC parameter to be specified. The data value for that source is then returned.

The names of the fields in common use in ASTERIX are,

   CFLUX            - Correct flux
   ENCPSF           - Enclosed psf fraction
   ERRORS           - Positional errors
   EXTEN            - Extension
   EXTSIG           - Significance of extension
   FLUX             - Raw flux
   RA,DEC           - Celestial coordinates
   SIGNIF           - Significance
   X_CORR,Y_CORR    - Image coordinates

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