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Evaluates the fit statistic comparing the input observed data with a multicomponent spectral model on a user defined grid of component parameter values.

In addition, maps of parameters reoptimised at each grid point can also be produced. For example, given the 3-component model AG*BR, the user can construct a 2-dimensional grid of chi-squared versus emission measure and temperature, and simultaneously a map of reoptimised hydrogen column in the same space.

The model dataset can optionally be updated with the best parameter set found in the grid.

A source redshift may be included in the fitting process by specifying Z=value on the command line. The specified redshift will be used thereafter (also by SFIT, SERROR, SPLOT and SFLUX) until disabled. The fitted model in this case corresponds to the spectrum in the SOURCE frame, and is redshifted by the software before being folded through the instrument response.

Likelihood fitting is available by including LIK on the command line.


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