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Given the two temperature model AB*(RZ+RZ) constrain the metallicities of the two additive components to be the same. First display the model (bounds omitted):

   > sshow \
  Existing model is: AB*(RZ+RZ)
  Component 1 - AB
    1) hydrogen column density    (1.0E21 /cm**2)          EF  0.30000
  Component 2 - RZ
    2) em10                       (1E60cm**-3/(10kpc)**2)  E   1.91760E-05
    3) temperature                (keV)                    E   0.93121
    4) metal abundance            (solar)                  E   0.25343
  Component 3 - RZ
    5) em10                       (1E60cm**-3/(10kpc)**2)  E   2.82116E-05
    6) temperature                (keV)                    E   0.98383
    7) metal abundance            (solar)                  E   0.32822
Add a tie,

   > tie add
   TIE Version 1.8-0
   NUM - Tie numbers /'1'/ >
   PARS - Parameters to tie together > 4,7
Display the model again:

   > sshow \                          ;
  Existing model is: AB*(RZ+RZ)
  Component 1 - AB
    1) hydrogen column density    (1.0E21 /cm**2)          EF  0.30000
  Component 2 - RZ
    2) em10                       (1E60cm**-3/(10kpc)**2)  E   1.91760E-05
    3) temperature                (keV)                    E   0.93121
    4) metal abundance            (solar)                  E   0.25343
  Component 3 - RZ
    5) em10                       (1E60cm**-3/(10kpc)**2)  E   2.82116E-05
    6) temperature                (keV)                    E   0.98383
    7) metal abundance            (solar)                  EC  0.32822
Note that parameter 7 is now constrained to be equal to parameter 4. The constraints are not actually applied until the first invocation of SFIT or SERROR. The ties can be displayed using,

  > tie show \\
   TIE Version 1.8-0
   Tie  Constraint
     1  Equal(4,7)

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