Next: CROSSCORR Up: BARYCORR Prev: Event lists and binned datasets


 Keyword  Posn  Type        Description
 -------  ----  ----        -----------
 INP       1    UNIV        Any binned or event dataset
                            with a time axis or raw_timetag list
     - GLOBAL.EVDS ( Default event dataset )
 OUT       2    UNIV        output dataset
 SIMPLE_MODE    LOGICAL     One correction applied to the header
                            components of the file.
 POS_FILE       CHARACTER   Name of the satellite orbit file
 GO_ON          LOGICAL     Ignore invalid Orbit file and
                            perform Earth-centred correction
 UPDATE_PRD     REAL        Period after which correction is
                            The default is Dynamic and equal
                            to the orbit file update period
 UPDATE_INT     REAL        If there is no orbit file, then
                            a recalculation of the barycentic
                            correction is performed if the time
                            tags change by more than this value.
                            (The MJD changes --- the  Earth moves)

Next: CROSSCORR Up: BARYCORR Prev: Event lists and binned datasets