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This computes the cross-spectrum of two 1 dimensional datasets INP1 and INP2. These may both come from the same file or from different files.

If the series are not of equal length then the longer is truncated. The data are then extended by adding zeroes to obtain a suitable length dataset for the transformation.

The extended data array may be tapered at the ends to reduce 'leakage' in the power spectra. If tapering is requested then, as a default, a cosine bell is applied to 20% of the data points at each end of the data array. This may be altered using the appropriate key word. The resulting spectral estimates will fluctuate wildly unless smoothed. A Gaussian sigma of 2 or 3 may be suitable for light smoothing.

Alignment of the two input arrays is advisable if one lags the other. A shift of +n will shift the first series forward with respect to the second by n elements. This is what is required if their cross-correlation peaks at positive lags.


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