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See the help for FOLDBIN for a description of the method employed.

The data may be left unweighted or be weighted by the variance array. In general it is best to weight the data if there are many counts per time bin (> 10 ?) but otherwise the data should be left unweighted. It is worth using both methods to test if features in the resultant periodogram are real.

The data is folded over a number of periods and the chi-squared fit to a constant determined for each period. The period giving the highest chi-squared is deemed to be the best and the data is folded at this period and written into an output file. A further file comprising chi-squared v period is also produced.

Each phase bin in the folded file has an associated variance. This is given by :

 Unweighted:  Var(bin) = SUM (( Val(i) - mean(bin) ) ** 2 / (N*(N-1)))
Where Val(i) is the value of a given data sample, mean(bin) is the average value of data samples contributing to this phase bin and N is the number of data samples in the phase bin.

 Weighted: Var(bin) = 1.0 / SUM ( 1.0 / Var(i) )
Where Var(i) is the variance of a data sample contributing to this phase bin.

Note: In both cases the variance of a phase bin is inversely proportional to the number of data samples in the bin.

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