Next: OFAC Up: LOMBSCAR Prev: Method


 Keyword  Posn  Type        Description
 -------  ----  ----        -----------
 INP       1    CHARACTER   Input dataset
    - GLOBAL.BINDS (the current binned dataset)
 OUT       2    CHARACTER   Output dataset
    -> GLOBAL.BINDS (the current binned dataset)
 OFAC      3    REAL        Oversampling factor
 HIFAC     4    REAL        Factor to extend the high frequency
                            range to e.g. HIFAC=2 goes to twice
                            the Nyquist frequency
 WFREQ     5    REAL        Frequency of window function - hidden
                            default is 0.0 which means don't use a
                            window function


Next: OFAC Up: LOMBSCAR Prev: Method