Solar Physics: ACE's Orbit



The ACE spacecraft occupies a halo orbit about the L1 Lagrangian point between the Earth and the Sun. As shown in the animation on the left (click for a larger version), this means that as the Earth orbits the Sun, the ACE spacecraft is constantly inbetween them and afforded a continuous 'view' of the Sun.


The excellent view provided by a halo orbit makes it a popular choice for spacecraft designed to study the Sun, for example the SOHO spacecraft also occupies a halo orbit about the L1 point. This provides the imaging equipment it carries such as the LASCO coronagraphs an uninterrupted view of the solar atmosphere. 






This page is maintained by James Tappin, was written by Ian M. Robinson, and last updated on 27th October 2003. If you have any comments, please contact web@star.sr.bham.ac.uk