XMM Satellite Schoolpage

Hardness ratio plot

Image library

This page contains a number of downloadable images. This enables you to try out the exercises several times using different images each time so that you can master the use of image processing software for these tasks. There are two sections currently, one contains images of X-ray sources and can be used in exercise one, and the second section contains images of a supernova remnant, which can be used in exercises two and three.


You will have to download these images to your computer in order to use them. To download the two sets of images click on the download button in the relevant section and then download the file to your hard disk. Then extract the file into the images folder in the scion image directory. This will make life easier when you have to select images to use in the program.

X-ray Sources

X-ray images

X-ray sources images

Lockman_05_2 Lockman_2_10


Nebula Nebula Nebula


Supernova Remnant images

Supernova Remnant images

supernova supernova
supernova supernova


Nebula Nebula

The University of Birmingham 

Physics and Astronomy Department, The University of Birmingham