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XMM Satellite Schoolpage


  1. According to Huygens, how does every point on a wave front behave?

  2. What happens to a wave passing through a narrow aperture?

  3. Is interference restricted to only some types of wave or does it occur for all types?

  4. If the double slits in Young's experiment were illuminated with monochromatic red light, would the fringes be more widely or more closely spaced than if illuminated with monochromatic blue light?

  5. Why is important that Young's slits are illuminated with monochromatic light?

  6. How would you create a diffraction grating?

  7. Does the energy of light disappear when light destructively interferes?

    IMAGE - Diffraction grating placed in front of a methane oxygen flame.

    IMAGE - Diffraction grating placed in front of a methane air flame. Compare with experiment on the right. Which flame is hotter?

  8. Diffraction grating placed in front of a flame. Compare with experiment on the right. Which flame is hotter?

  9. In the photographs above the diffraction grating is placed between the camera and the flame. Why are there two spectra visible equally spaced either side of the flame?

  10. The image of the flame has also passed through the grating, why does this image show no signs of dispersion?

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The University of Birmingham 

Physics and Astronomy Department, The University of Birmingham