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PSF User Interface

Because ASTERIX is designed as a multi-mission program it facilitates the inclusion of instrument dependent code for the PSF by the use of a PSF data routines library which it accesses using PSF system routines. (See Prog/011)

The PSF system controls access to the numerous PSF options which are presented to the user in the ASTERIX PSF user interface as follows;

        PSF system options :
        ANALYTIC       ASCA           EXOLE          PWFC           RADIAL
        RESPFILE       TABULAR        WFC            XRT_HRI        XRT_PSPC
        POLAR(PSF,rbin[,abin])        RECT(PSF,xbin[,ybin])

        PSF - Choose PSF to use for source model /'XRT_PSPC'/ >   
        MASK - PSPC PSF option (LIST for descriptions) /'VARPROFILE'/ > 
        Loaded XRT PSF cube with 10 energy channels
        AUX - Mean photon energy in KeV >

The reason for the large number of PSF options list above include: multiple missions and instruments, recalibrations, analytical options, searching for extended source, and techniques for improving the speed of PSF processing.
