The aim of this project is to compare various methods for estimating the mass (size, velocity dispersion) of a galaxy group/cluster using the positions, recession velocity, magnitude and colour of a set of galaxies contained within a mock light-cone.
In the first phase of the project we have provided a mock HOD galaxy catalogue containing RA, dec, recession velocity, r-band magnitude and g-r colour for around a million galaxies within a shallow light-cone. We have also provided 1000 trial centres about which we would like estimates for the mass, size and velocity dispersion of each object.
Mock galaxy catalogue and trial centre list download links and uploaded results can be found in the data wiki.
Phase two of the project will involve a deeper light-cone generated in a more modern cosmology and populated using both a semi-analytic model and a more sophisticated HOD model than the one provided for phase 1.
Important Information
- Dates:
- 2nd to 6th September, 2013
- Hosts:
- University of Nottingham
(Travel and accommodation information here) - Registration Deadline:
(Register here)
Science Organising Committee
- Frazer Pearce
- Lyndsay Old
- Darren Croton
- Elena Tundo
- Meghan Gray
- Ramin Skibba
- Trevor Ponman
- Richard Pearson